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*Graffiti inspired architectural piece made in Rhinoceros 5 and Keyshot


visual art


Visual Art

3D, Typography, Art 



This page is a collection of snippets that I have worked on for various projects. Some are personal projects, or some may have been for branding projects.


*Collage made with paper
for a book cover.


Learning new techniques, and processes is important to me. I believe that each creative process I explore enriches my art and design practice. Through 3D modeling, illustrating, sketching new typefaces, character designs, learning the ins and outs of a software, or how a company works is intriguing to me. Maybe one day we can create large scale structures, or boardwalks inspired by architectural graffiti. This page serves as a compilation of different experiments, and processes in my work.       


This section was a glitch in photoshop that I extracted pieces from. Studies like this are something I might use in my personal art or use snippets to influence design work.

Skateboards Mockup.jpg

*Images made in Rhinoceros 5 and Keyshot that I mocked up on skateboards


This section was a study for a graffiti book. I illustrated many 'B's in a multitude of different styles. Illustrating letters is what initially inspired me to study typography and graphic design.



The great joy of typography and graffiti is exploring all of the variations of ways to write letters in the alphabet. I have had many different names I've called myself over the years while exploring different paths. My latest is "Seuzer" or "Reuzes" which sounds like a ruse.



*Study made for the cycling print below


*2 sweater mockups made in Rhinoceros 5 and Keyshot. These were part of a branding project for Ironlak. The goal was to cross the barriers of culture and language through art.

Great words.

These are words that I embrace in my everyday life, and in conjunction with my practice.

Risk. Ambition.
Exploration. Dedication.
Technique. Patience.
Disruption. Love.
Process. Empathy.


This crop is from a poster I designed about Adrian Frutiger's Univers typeface. Frutiger is one of my favorite typographers. I steadily use Avenir, although I used Roboto for the majority of this website.


*Poster made for my father. He is a cyclist from Colorado.

*Identity system I created for Brooklyn Book Festival.

My Ironlak 

This crop is from a San Francisco based magazine that I designed a spread for. Interning for Ironlak was the right step for me at the time because I had always loved their identity as a company.


*Poster I printed for my girlfriend Olivia on Valentine's Day. (She's also a Designer)


Dream Big.

This mural was painted on an elementary school basketball court in the southside of Chicago. I was hired by my teacher at the time to help with the commission.  


*Magazine mockup for Graphis magazine

I've been known 

to wield a can.

This is a snippet from a mural completed for Enova International, Inc. in their Chicago office space. The letters read "Enova", and I also painted a second abstract mural with a galaxy feel.


*Poster mockup for the Montreal Olympics


I am always exploring new avenues in my work. Check back again and this page may have some new projects. I am currently hand painting some of my design work, and also exploring HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. 

Zack MacTavish
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